How much do Garden Windows Cost?
Some of you may be thinking of remodeling a room in your house. One of the most remodeled rooms in any house is the kitchen. There are so many things that can be done in the kitchen to make it more appealing. You can get new appliances, put down new floors, get new cabinets, and even replace your windows. Many people may not think about replacing the windows, not realizing that it will give the room a whole new feel.
The prices of windows should be factored in when undertaking a remodeling project. Here are some examples for garden windows: You can get a 34" x 36" vinyl garden window with clear glass for a little over $1200. If you get grey glass or tempered glass %10-%15 will be taken off the final cost. A window of the same size and glass clarity with an aluminum frame will cost about $200 more than the vinyl. These both include a fully welded window frames, side vents for cross ventilation, counterbalanced sash that is operable, waterproof bottom shelf, 3/4" insulated glass, and both are easily installed.
Those are the prices if you want to do the installation yourself. If you are the kind of person that does not have the patience to do it yourself or are just short on time and want to pay someone to do it for you, you should add $200 - $300 to the price of the window itself.
Another idea may be to add an arched window to your room. The arched windows tend to be much cheaper than the garden windows. For a 4 foot long 1 foot high arched window the cost is around $140. That price is without installation. To have that window installed add around $150 to the final cost.
These are just some ideas to think about when remodeling a room in your house. There are many more ideas out there and what ever idea you come up with, be sure to price everything to see if you can afford to have the installation done or if you will need to do it yourself. Be sure to look at all of the window manufacturers out there, to make a sound choice in your next home improvement.